technical term

英 [ˈteknɪkl tɜːm] 美 [ˈteknɪkl tɜːrm]

网络  专业术语; 术语; 技术术语; 专门名词; 条上的术语



  1. The technical term for sunburn is erythema
  2. The BLS numbers are sometimes just hinky, to use the technical term.
  3. If you want to use a more technical term, the markets are showing volatility.
  4. The researchers offered several possible reasons for managers'increased span of control, the technical term for how many workers are being supervised.
  5. For many, mashup is considered a technical term regarding the mashing of disparate data to produce something new and interesting.
  6. Its technical term is a common table expression ( CTE).
  7. The technical term for this architecture is yikes!
  8. The concept of hot deployment and hot update is not a new technical term ( particularly for those versed in the concepts of a Web services platform), but for Apache Axis it is a new feature.
  9. So, it is possible to treat-1 as a constant input whose weight, theta, is adjusted in learning, or, to use the technical term, training.
  10. When objects are no longer used, they get trashed ( the technical term is they are no longer referenced).
  11. Diffusion is when you have a fluid in which you are introducing some substance, and you want to figure out how that thing is going to spread out, the technical term is diffuse, into the ambient fluid.
  12. Scientific and technical term is the language symbol of the scientific concept.
  13. It may not be a formal technical term, but it is really popular.
  14. Where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.
  15. His most technical term is ZOOM, but he uses the term CUT TO in much the same way as a writers would use a full stop, or, sometimes, a paragraph.
  16. "Doing business" is a technical term that implies a substantial presence in the state.
  17. Also, to fight right, it's very important to respond well if your sweetheart makes a repair attempt& the technical term for a gesture of reconciliation and love.
  18. The phrase "committed to agency discretion" is a technical term, and the circumstances in which it is found applicable are actually quite limited.
  19. Frontonasal dysplasia is the technical term.
  20. Doctrine of Literal Translation and Free Translation& Focus on the China-Japan Catholic Technical Term Translation
  21. The technical term for this is that learning Latin is a "weakly dominated" strategy: it is never superior to learning Chinese, and sometimes inferior.
  22. Perfect competition is defined by the economist as a technical term.
  23. According to the peculiarity of code resource in TD-SCDMA system, the paper analyses the characteristic of scrambling code, brings forward a technical term, complex code group.
  24. This is the technical term for international students who are not American citizens.
  25. I believe that's the technical term, sir!
  26. I'm talking about words but the more technical term is "Morpheme."
  27. Virtual reality is not just a technical term, is also a modern existence.
  28. It is a technical term in psychology, means that a psychological course of inspiring staff's behavior.
  29. This technical term afterwards also flow into our country, and is used to generalize this kind of phenomenon that already existed in social living and administrative practice.
  30. However, traditional studies on scientific and technical term intend to focus on English-Chinese translation.